Drawing Bookmarklet


To add the bookmarklet to your bookmark bar, drag either of the following two links onto your bookmark bar:

(Enable the bookmark bar with Ctrl + Shift + B if it's disabled)

Direct Script: Drawing

Remote Script: Drawing

Which one to choose?

The direct script puts the entire script in your bookmark, while the remote script fetches it from a remote repository every time. The remote one will take ~200ms to load, won't work offline and will consume broadband, but will take up less space in your browser account. However, since the minified script is >5kb, the direct script might not work on some browsers. In general, I would recommend using the direct script, and if it doesn't work, using the remote one.

More info about the bookmarklet, including features and security, can be found at: https://github.com/SimonDMC/drawing-bookmarklet